
Many small retail outlets may think that a HeatingSave system is just too grand them; but if you think, it will cut your heating bills, electricity bills and its an intruder alarm all in one system, then it starts to make sense. If your heating/energy costs are £2,000 a year or more, then HeatingSave is certainly cost justifiable. If it’s more than this, then it’s an obvious cost reduction measure.

Staff attendance and intruder detection

You can connect up to two Tensor smart card access readers to each HeatingSave T3520 controller. These can be configured and used as you wish; but typically one could be used for access control to a door and the other reader to provide very basic and simple staff attendance monitoring. Alternatively, the two readers could be used to control access to two doors.

Intruder detection can be setup utilising the very same occupancy sensors as used for heating control. Here, the software allows you to create intruder zones and the conditions which will cause an intruder alert. The system is capable of turning on/off local sounders and flashing lights; but also able to email you and/or send you (and/or others) a Text message too. The free option to do this is readily available and is done via the internet. However, if you want a RedCare type setup where two different methods of communicating alerts is necessary, then we have our T3504 SMS Texting unit. This communicates alerts simultaneously via the SMS Texting unit, with its own SIM card, and the internet giving the highest level of security.

Two independent methods of being alerted in the case of an intrusion. The great thing about HeatingSave is that you can also use this system to Text you about other things that have taken place such as a boiler failing to fire, a room not getting up to temperature, or outside frosts, and many other things too.

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