Jon Killick, Manager, Edgware Library
“[HeatingSave’s building energy management system is] a practical way of managing your heating in the 21st century.”

“[HeatingSave’s building energy management system is] a practical way of managing your heating in the 21st century.”
“I love the fact that when I get to the house, I can have the heating exactly how I want it.”
“It’s just modern – it brings the village hall into the 21st century in terms of energy management and management of the hall in general.”
“HeatingSave is a very promising solution to the problem of rising energy heating costs.”
“It was the low cost and that we could access the system remotely which is very important when you don’t live next door to the building.”
“I was speaking to a member of the Edinburgh Presbytery not too long ago and they said if only he could get all other churches to use HeatingSave, we’d all be saving a lot of money!”
“The HeatingSave building management system is a fantastic product that can save money, cut carbon and improve air quality, which is important.”
“The big benefit for us is cutting costs. We’re confident we’ve saved a third on our gas bills.”
“HeatingSave has enabled us to take advantage of the possibility to heat only specific areas of the building – and that flexibility has been able to save us money.”
“I have shown the HeatingSave system to someone involved in the BMS sector, and they were very amazed with the flexibility, ease of use and versatility it offered, compared to the systems provided by the larger manufacturers.”