Boiler accurate consumption

Whether you use gas, oil or LPG in in your heating boiler, in reality you have no idea as to whether your boiler(s) are operating as per the manufacturers specification or have an independent check as to how well they are maintained?

HeatingSave changes all this by accurately measuring

  • gas consumption via a SMETS 1 or SMETS2 Smart Meter (or a gas meter with a pulse output)
  • oil & LPG from tank delivery meters

Boiler performing efficiently

The HeatingSave software has heat-loss algorithms that measure the rate of heat loss for each heating/cooling zone to determine a heat-loss coefficient for each of these. It then compares the consumption data, letting the user enter the boiler consumption and operational data from the boiler manufacturer’s user manual. HeatingSave then determines whether the heating/cooling system is performing correctly, comparing the expected consumption with the actual consumption to create a variance report. It then makes recommended interventions for you to use as an action list to improve the energy efficiency of your building.

Was the boiler serviced properly?

When boilers are serviced you would expect the boiler efficiency to subsequently stay the same or improve? HeatingSave’s algorithms are constantly watching over the consumption data and spotting when the boiler efficiency  goes down. The maintenance company can be contacted to explain why this has happened? The important thing here is that you will have the data to hand to show them what is happening; that is cause & effect.

HeatingSave can also monitor degradation in performance over time, alerting the user to get the boiler checked or serviced.

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