How Village Halls Can Save on Energy & Heating Bills

When it comes to saving money for village halls, bills should be a priority. We offer a cost-effective solution that helps reduce costs and overall energy use and ends up paying for itself, with a whole host of additional benefits too.
In this blog, we’ll look at the five key things that any maintenance manager or person in charge of a village hall should consider:
- Saving money on energy and heating bills
- Reducing their carbon emissions
- Adopt more control of their management systems
- Provide environmental monitoring for the great causes
- Run more efficiently as a result
How a village hall can save money on heating bills
As our company name alone suggests, this is our forte. We look at replacing existing boilers and heating solutions with a HeatingSave Controller and our energy monitoring software — allowing you to take back control of your heating and offers adaptability and flexibility to suit the needs of your village hall and its users.
One of the main benefits of a HeatingSave system is the ability to precisely control the heating day-to-day. So whilst in the colder weeks of December and January, you will need to turn the temperature up (perhaps even higher than standard room temperature), you will also want to make certain rooms or zones different temperatures to accommodate, as well as at different times.
As for weeks in June and July, you might not need to have your heating switched on at all. Save the time and hassle of programming a dial on the wall and setting reminders; have it all done through a sophisticated, user-friendly management system instead.
Ways village halls can utilise HeatingSave
With advances in technology, we’ve been able to adapt our management system to encompass more facilities that help run a village hall. Utilising access control systems, users can be given smart cards that grant access to the building (rather than a traditional lock and key or keypad), which not only improves overall security but ensures proper timekeeping. Smart cards can individually be programmed to grant access only at specific times (ie. one hour before the booked class is to start, but not 2am on a Sunday).
As the access control systems sync up with a room booking schedule, you can not only keep track of the bookings diary but add unique requirements about the energy and heating based on those bookings.
So if you have a child’s play class, you can schedule the heating to increase, accommodating the children. Then, later in the evening, if a Zumba class is booked out between 7pm and 8pm, you can turn the heating off entirely (or set a benchmark of no lower than 10°C) so no one struggles with their rising body heat whilst shaking their hips.
How a village hall can save money on energy bills
High energy usage and seep by undetected for some time before you’re left looking at an unpleasant electricity bill. To help combat this, users can control the lights within the village hall by computer or by mobile phone app, designed to keep those bills friendly. The HeatingSave system also works with movement sensors that detect activity – so they’ll only turn on when a person is about, and better still, turn off if a booking falls through and the hall (or room) is simply not being used.
It isn’t just the lights the sensors work with; for the same reason, if there is no movement detected in a room for some time, the heating will gradually decrease to help keep running costs low regardless of pre-set setting. Over time, the system learns when bodies should be in the selected room, so the more the system is used, the better it gets.
Maintenance assistance for village halls
The HeatingSave management system allows you to monitor the gas, electricity, water used — even how much oil is left in your oil tank — providing helpful alerts to stay on top of things. With the latest Government initiatives to reduce our carbon emissions too, our systems can demonstrate and produce reports showing your carbon expenditure, as well as just how much you’re spending.
Additional benefits and savings for village halls
The tamper-proof equipment sees no garish installs or adaptation to the property and comes with an additional assurance: intruder software. This can trigger bespoke alerts, or work in conjunction with your CCTV surveillance, so you have your security measures streamlined with your overall maintenance system.
Village halls that have saved on their bills
Over the years, we have documented several case studies with village hall managers that have opted to use our management systems with great results. For example, Kington Langley Village Hall in Northwest Wiltshire was able to slash their energy bills by 32% with the introduction of a HeatingSave system; and similarly, Hunsdon Village Hall in East Hertfordshire had nothing but praise:
“I have shown the HeatingSave system to someone involved in the BMS sector, and they were very amazed by the flexibility, ease of use and versatility it offered, compared to the systems provided by the larger manufacturers.”
— Mike Newman, Buildings Manager, Hunsdon Village Hall
HeatingSave is specialists in village hall heating, giving you peace of mind and covering all aspects of village hall management. To read all of our case studies, please click the button below:
For more information about how HeatingSave can help save you and your village hall money on its energy and heating bills, as well as improve its overall maintenance and functionality, please feel free to get in touch by our contact page or give our team a call on 01480 215530.