UK households could turn into net energy producers by 2035, experts forecast

Numerous households around the UK could become energy producers, rather than consumers, by 2035, engineering experts have suggested.
A report by engineering consultancy Arup suggests that electricity could become increasingly low carbon and local, with many people no longer relying on the grid and up to 77GW of intermittent solar and wind generating capacity dwarfing the 27GW available today.
It suggests demand side response and batteries will become widespread in commercial and residential properties to help balance this surge in renewables, with new towns also developing microgrids to reduce the load on the national grid.
Arup says the heat sector is likely to become fragmented and rely on separate heat networks rather than on one large natural gas system, especially in cities.
HeatingSave Building Energy Monitoring and Management Systems – the perfect solutions to monitor and control energy within your dwelling
The HeatingSave Building Energy Monitor is a wireless management system that collects information from sensors placed in a building. It is unobtrusive and causes minimal disruption during installation. The system collects internal and external temperature data, along with information on how the heating system works and details of energy use. It also monitors the way a building is used in terms of its occupancy and the occupants’ activities and lifestyles.
Using a password protected standard WiFi connection, sensors can quickly be set up to review and quantitatively analyse the data with user-friendly software graphics, via a laptop, PC, mobile phone or tablet-based device.
A cable connection to the building router also enables data to be uploaded to HeatingSave’s cloud storage servers, where it can be analysed by sophisticated software. This provides a clear understanding of the real impact of energy efficiency measures, for example through pre-installation analysis and post-installation monitoring.
Building owners can access their energy usage details online to help them manage energy use more efficiently. This information is presented using a dashboard system that provides consolidated and drill down views of the energy use data.
If you’d like to find out more about the HeatingSave Building Energy Monitor and just how easily it can be deployed within any home, just contact us, and we’ll be more than happy to answer any of your questions and queries.