UK government announces new Green Homes Grant scheme for energy efficiency improvements

Homeowners and landlords will be offered personalised plans to make their homes energy efficient and access to trusted local tradespeople to carry out the installations, a recent news report has been able to suggest.
The new Green Homes Grant scheme is expected to help consumers save up to £600 a year on their energy bills. Under the scheme, consumers will be able to access funding for up to two thirds of the cost of the energy saving measures identified – up to £5,000 – in the form of new vouchers.
Lower income households could receive as much as £10,000 for the installations, which includes the insulation of walls, floors and roods, double or triple glazing and low carbon heating.
Business and Energy Secretary Alok Sharma, said: “Green Homes Grants are a key part of our plans to build back greener, helping make 600,000 homes more energy efficient with government vouchers, while supporting 100,000 skilled jobs and supporting our transition to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
“From today people will have the chance to see how this scheme could help save money on their energy bills and connect to trusted local tradespeople across the country so they are ready for the scheme’s launch in September.”
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