Software for Energy Performance Certificates to change following RLA campaign

The software used to establish Energy Performance Certificate ratings for buildings is set to change following a campaign initiated by the Residential Landlords Association, a recent news report has been able to reveal.

After the BRE revealed that up to 10,000 properties could have been wrongly classified because Energy Performance Certificates can understate the energy efficiency of homes with solid walls and uninsulated cavity walls, the Government is making changes to the EPC software which measures the thermal efficiency of solid walls – to bring this into line with the research.

Richard Jones, policy adviser and RLA company secretary has welcomed the news.

He said: “From April 2018 landlords of properties given a rated of F or G will have to upgrade to meet the minimum E standard. If landlords are faced with compulsion this should be based on sound science, especially as landlords face financial penalties for non-compliance.

“There has been a question mark over the reliability of EPCs around solid wall properties, many of which are owned by private landlords. The BRE report has confirmed these suspicions and it is vital that the Government takes action to rectify this problem at the earliest possible opportunity as the start of compulsion draws near.”

HeatingSave – the perfect choice for energy monitoring and control

The HeatingSave Energy Monitor collects internal and external temperature data, along with information on how the heating system works and details of energy use. The system also monitors the way a building is used in terms of its occupancy and the occupants’ activities and lifestyles.

Using a password protected standard WiFi connection, sensors can quickly be set up to review and quantitatively analyse the data with user-friendly software graphics, via a laptop, PC, mobile phone or tablet-based device.

A cable connection to the building router also enables data to be uploaded to a central servers, where it can be analysed by sophisticated software. This provides a clear understanding of the real impact of energy efficiency measures, for example through pre-installation analysis and post-installation monitoring.

Building owners and managers can access their energy usage details online to help them manage energy use more efficiently. This information is presented using a dashboard system that provides consolidated and drill down views of the energy use data.

If you would like to find out more about the HeatingSave Energy Monitor, just Contact Us or Book a Demo, our representatives will be more than happy to contact you with all the necessary information.

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