Oxford City Council takes on powers to improve the energy efficiency standards of properties

A local authority has taken on powers to improve the energy efficiency standards of commercial and private rented properties, a recent report has been able to suggest.
The Oxford City Council has accepted the delegation of powers from Oxfordshire County Council relating to enforcement of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) in the domestic private rented sector, and enforcement of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) in commercial properties.
In April 2019, Oxford City Council, alongside five other local authorities, won £150,000 from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to improve energy efficiency in the private rented sector in partnership with Oxfordshire County Council.
BEIS selected Oxford as one of six pilot areas to enforce the minimum energy efficiency standards (MEES) that became law in April 2018.
Under the new agreement, the City Council will now also be able to carry out enforcement, in addition to Oxfordshire County Council. Formal enforcement action on commercial private rented properties will be taken only where advice and education of the businesses had failed.
HeatingSave – Experts in Retrofitting Heating Controls to Help Commercial and Large Residential Sectors attain their targeted Energy Efficiency Standards
Implementing extensive energy-saving measures is likely to help home owners reduce their overall bills and also their overall debts to energy suppliers.
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