New £20m energy research centre to open at Newcastle University

Newcastle University will create a new £20m research and testing centre designed to provide real-time understanding of UK energy use and ultimately help drive down customer bills, a recent news report has revealed.
The EPSRC National Centre for Energy Systems Integration will allow experts to test the entire UK energy system in real time with a view to informing government policies for optimising the energy network.
Earmarked to be fully up and running in September 2016, the Centre will look at the energy system as a whole – including renewables, gas, power, heating and cooling – drawing on the expertise of academics from the universities of Newcastle, Heriot-Watt, Sussex, Edinburgh and Durham.
According to Newcastle University, the facility will help bridge an information gap that is hampering the drive towards delivering a fully integrated, smart energy network, while also improving energy efficiency, pushing down customer bills, and reducing carbon emissions.
HeatingSave Energy Monitor – the perfect energy monitoring tool for scientific research
HeatingSave has a long history supplying energy monitoring solutions for the educational segment. In fact, our HeatingSave Energy Monitor is used by researchers at University of Newcastle’s SWAN centre the for in-depth Research on Energy Efficiency.
The HeatingSave Energy Monitor is a Zig 2.4 Mhz wireless mesh network wireless management system that collects information from sensors placed in a building. Originally developed for the BRE, the system can collect up to 6 times a minute internal and external temperature, relative humidity, energy usage, carbon dioxide, light levels, watts per meter radiation, noise levels, volatile organic compounds and other environmental data along with information on how the heating system works. The heat-loss algorithms and other HeatingSave features such as TRV’s also allow the HeatingSave monitor to be turned into an energy and security management system proved to cut heating bills by between 20% and 50%.
HeatingSave may be used in all building types – residential, public and commercial and also monitors the way a building is used in terms of its occupancy and the occupants’ activities and lifestyles. It provides a clear understanding of the real impact of energy efficiency measures, for example through pre-installation analysis and post-installation monitoring.
If you’d like to find out more about the savings enabled by the HeatingSave Energy Monitor, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.