More stringent energy efficiency target to be pushed across the EU, draft documents suggest

European Union regulators are considering pushing a more stringent energy efficiency agenda in the near future, with a significantly more ambitious target than before, recent draft documents viewed by a major news source have been able to reveal.
Under the draft proposals, which are yet to be agreed formally by the European Commission, the EU would commit to a binding goal to cut energy use by 30 per cent by 2030 compared with a business-as-usual scenario, the source said.
The Commission is expected to publish the draft law next month as part of a set of proposals for 2030 goals on emissions cuts, renewable energy and energy waste. The EU currently has a 2020 target to cut emissions 20 per cent compared to the projected use of energy, alongside a 2030 target to cut emissions across the bloc by 40 per cent compared to 1990 levels. This is set to be made up of a 43 per cent reduction in emissions from sectors covered by the EU emissions trading scheme (ETS) and a 30 per cent cut in emissions in non-ETS sectors such as buildings, agriculture, waste, and transport compared to 2005 levels.
Improving energy efficiency is easy with the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System (BEMS)
If you’re quite worried about future developments in terms of energy management and costs, and you plan to implement an energy costs reduction plan for your business, the best place to start is HeatingSave, since our solution will allow you to actually save between 20 and 30+ percent from your monthly energy bills.
HeatingSave grants energy managers an extensive level of control over the building’s heating patterns, meaning that heating will not be on during weekends or holidays unless the building is actually in use. The system also enables automatic occupancy detection allowing the temperature to be reduced to a background when areas are not used and quickly brought up to temperature when they are being used.
It’s also very important to mention that HeatingSave can take an automatic decision on whether to use electricity or gas for heating during summer, and also enables users to set a night setback temperature, reducing the night heating by a few degrees to still keep 24/7 operations warm whilst saving energy and money.
If you’re already interested in what HeatingSave has in store and you’d like to find out more on the matter, just get in touch, our dedicated product team will be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.