Local council to build energy-saving ‘Passivhaus’ rental flats

A local council has revealed plans to build a block of 10 one, two and three bedroom flats that will utilise a state-of-the-art ‘Passivhaus’ design to maximise energy efficiency, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest.
Bournemouth council has earmarked a piece of land between 22 Crescent Road and the A338 Wessex Way, next to the Central Gardens, for the development, which will be made available on the private rental market.
A planning statement by Gale & Snowden Architects says: “The building has been designed using the Passivhaus methodology.
“The house heats and cools itself, hence ‘passive’. The Passivhaus was developed in Germany and has since become ‘the world’s leading standard in energy efficient construction’.
“Increased insulation standards, exceptional levels of air tightness and a compact building skin are elemental components for this relatively new standard.
“By choosing the best orientation for the building and by optimising solar gains, the energy performance of the proposed design has been improved so that a conventional heating system is not required.”
The council agreed to support the ‘prudential borrowing’ required to meet the costs of the development, which was then projected to generate £5.3 million over the 45 year term of a lease to Seascape Homes and Property, the council’s wholly-owned rental company.
The cabinet report stated: “Alternative uses for this site were considered; however an asset review in 2013 identified this site for a residential flat scheme, subject to planning, in order to maximise its value and town centre location.
The HeatingSave Building Management and Monitoring System – the perfect solution to complement a Passivhaus design
Efficient and effective Building Energy Management Systems are capable of delivering extensive monitoring and control options, compared to basic controls. They typically employ data from a variety of sources (boiler flow and return sensors, internal and external temperature sensors, occupancy sensors, humidity sensors, etc.), and enable the perfect optimization of a building’s boiler-based central heating system.
The HeatingSave building management system (BMS) perfectly complements the passivhaus design methodology – in fact, we have been selected to be incorporated in the design of the UK’s First Public Building to Meet “Multi-Comfort” and Passivhaus Standards.
If you’d like to find out more about the savings enabled by the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.