Lack of energy efficiency leads to renters overspending

The lack of energy efficiency in various rental properties across the UK is leading to tenants having to overspend on energy by around £13 million every month, a recent study by insurance firm AXA has been able to suggest.
The reports reveals that, despite the significant energy efficiency improvements implemented by landlords over the past two years, as many as 200,000 homes could still be in breach of new minimum standards due to come into force next April.
The firm says these properties pose an “excess cold hazard” and could be banned by the upcoming rules.
A quarter of UK tenants told AXA they felt they were paying excess bills due to the energy inefficiency of their homes and 43% said the resultant cold and damp was the biggest problem they had to deal with.
Despite this, the number of worst-rated properties has halved and rentals are generally performing better than owner-occupied homes in terms of boiler upgrades, insulation and smart meter installations.
HeatingSave – the easy to retrofit Building Management System (BMS) that can help landlords and tenants save energy and money
The HeatingSave Building Energy Management System helps customers save more than 30% on their bills by optimizing any heating system’s overall functionality. This is done by taking into account a variety of factors, such as internal and external temperatures, occupancy, time of the year, the particular characteristics of installed boilers, etc.
All of the data is used in order to determine the best heating patterns for the various heating zones within any building, using our proprietary heat-loss algorithm.
HeatingSave is also approved to work and save fuel within the Energy Technology List, which is managed by the Carbon Trust on behalf of the Government. It is also approved by the Department of Energy & Climate Change and the Energy Savings Trust and was specified by the Building Research Establishment for the energy efficient homes retro-fit program, called The Greenhouse Project.
Last, but certainly not least, it’s important to mention that HeatingSave is a component part of the Government’s Green Deal program.
If you’d like to find out more about HeatingSave’s accreditations, just visit the dedicated section on our website, and for any other information, just get in touch with our dedicated product team.