Investing in Our Future: How Nurseries Can Cut Heating & Energy Bills

At this moment in time, saving money where possible is at the forefront of most businesses’ thoughts due to the Coronavirus pandemic hitting hard. There are few businesses more important than nurseries, who look after and invest in the future generation.
This article addresses the issue above and delves into how something as simple as a HeatingSave Thermostatic Radiator Valve can have a huge impact on the reduction of a nursery’s heating and energy bills.
How childcare settings can save on energy and heating bills
Nurseries are often large buildings with a vast number of rooms. With these rooms being occupied at varied times throughout the working day, and at weekends, this can become a costly procedure. For example, in the summer season or on warmer days when the children are able to play outside, it is likely that doors will be left open for children to go in and out – meaning heating and energy is wasted. Additionally, there may be specific rooms or areas of the nursery that are infrequently used, with others that are used more frequently, so the heating is required to be higher in those areas than those that are used less frequently.
Thermostatic Radiator Valves can optimise your heating
By making a small investment in the HeatingSave wireless TRV head, you will be able to make monumental savings to your heating and energy bills. These savings can be anywhere between 20% and 45%, which makes a huge difference for nurseries, allowing them to spend their money on other important factors such as play equipment, food and other luxuries. The HeatingSave TRV comes with a mobile phone app that puts users in control of their heating, minimising waste and improving comfort. Through programmable time and temperature control, the HS-TRV enables you to control the central heating in whichever area you require by controlling each radiator independently.
Benefits of using a TRV
The HS-TRVs are a low cost – simple to install and use – energy saving solution, ideal for your heating control needs. They are so easy to use, in fact, that you can set up all valves wirelessly from your laptop, desktop PC or mobile device so that you can use the web-based software to alter your heating patterns from the comfort of your own home or if you are on the move.
Nurseries are often busier some days than others, and open later on some days than others. This is why a HS-TRV is the perfect money-saving solution for nurseries, big or small.
They have built in memory to match your needs. For example, each valve remembers patterns and future holidays – meaning you can pre-set your nurseries’ heating hours weeks or months in advance to benefit the children and staff in the building, while optimising energy usage and ultimately saving money.
If you would like to find out more information on our unique TRVs, and if you’d like to start saving your nursery money, then please get in touch with a member of our sales team today.
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