UK fathers help reduce energy bills by an average £220 per household, poll suggests

A new Father’s Day survey found British dads reduce energy bills by an average £220 per household through constantly reminding their kids to turn off unnecessary lights and heating, according to a news report into this matter.

The survey by British Gas revealed that the average household could cut down on 37 hours of energy that are currently wasted each week by listening to dads, proving that “dad knows best” when it comes to energy saving tips.

The research found families would leave lights on for an extra four hours a week, spend 30 minutes more in the shower, leave TVs on standby for an additional 15 hours and use eight hours’ extra heating if they took no notice.

Sushil Umrao, of British Gas, said: “Dads are the go-to gurus for advice on issues around the home, and our research shows they know best when it comes to energy saving tips.

“The value of dads’ hounding is not to be undervalued.”

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