Switch to computerised heating management to beat the SSE price hike

SSE gas electricity prices go up by 9 per cent energy price increases HeatingSave boiler cut bills computerised management system heat-loss algorithm self-learns heating zone within home savingsEnergy supplier SSE’s gas and electricity prices will go up by 9 per cent on October 15. Fears are that its rivals will follow suit. The firm says the move is in response to energy price increases in wholesale markets. SSE chief executive Ian Marchant said: “The increases in costs that we have seen since making this pledge can no longer be absorbed and mean that we are unable to keep prices at their current levels beyond this autumn.”

Act now to pre-empt an autumn fuel price hike by switching to HeatingSave to control your boiler and central heating system and cut bills. At the heart of the computerised management system is a heat-loss algorithm that self-learns the heating characteristics of each heating zone within your home. HeatingSave makes its savings – which can reach 20% to 30% – by not over heating a building by applying adaptive outside temperature compensation using 12 different compensation curves that can be simply changed by the user.

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