Static mobile home residents to receive advice on energy efficiency

Park home residents are set to receive free energy efficiency advice and a discount on their winter fuel bills, as part of a new Ofgem trial now underway to extend the government’s Warm Home Discount initiative, a recent news report has been able to find.

Residents of static homes have not been eligible for the Warm Home Discount because they do not typically have a contract with any energy supplier, on the grounds they are reliant instead on a supply agreement with the park site owners.

However, many park home residents are elderly, living in energy inefficient properties, and vulnerable to fuel poverty, so in early 2015 the Department of Energy and Climate Change changed the rules of access for the initiative to pave the way for the inclusion of park home residents into the rebate scheme.

According to figures released in October by AgeUK, around 100,000 people aged 65 or over live in static mobile homes, many of which were built before stricter energy efficiency standards came into force and are often very poorly insulated.

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