Grimsby residents complain about inefficient boilers pushing fuel bills sky-high

Retrofitting a boiler management system that runs an older boiler at optimum efficiency could represent a much more sensible solution on the long term than putting in new, expensive and ineffective boilers, such as the ones pushing fuel bills sky high for a group of Grimsby residents.

Almost 160 householders living in new housing developments on Scartho Top, Freshney Green and Robert Pearson Mews off Ladysmith Road in the Grimsby area have complained about crippling fuel bills due to inefficient and expensive boilers, a news report on the matter was able to reveal.

One resident launched a campaign to raise awareness about this issue with the developer after he complained unsuccessfully about the excessive energy bills he was paying to housing association. He became concerned about the efficiency of his boiler within a month of moving into the two-bedroom terraced property two years ago, and heard similar stories from people living all across the housing estate.

As mentioned above, running the boiler in the most efficient and effective possible manner will help households save 20 to 30%+ on their energy bills, and this is exactly where HeatingSave could put its extensive experience to very good use.

The system is very user-friendly and, depending on specific site conditions, can even help home owners achieve savings of up to 50%.

If you’d like to find out more details on all the features HeatingSave has in store, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to provide you with all the necessary information.

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