Green Deal Finance Company (TGDFC) and its stakeholders agree on £244m funding package

The Green Deal Finance Company (TGDFC) and its stakeholders have just decided on a £244m funding package, meaning that the companies wishing to access finance from the TGDFC can now start selling Green Deal plans immediately.

According to a recent news report, the package includes a £69m total investment from 16 companies and other stakeholders, a £50m capital facility from the Department of Energy and Climate Change and a senior debt facility of £125m from the UK Green Investment Bank.

Additionally, TGDFC has also confirmed that users will pay an initial interest rate of 6.96 per cent annually, along with a set-up charge of £63 and an annual operating charge of £20.

Mark Bayley, chief executive at TGDFC, said: “We can now offer Green Deal providers a one-stop shop to set up, finance and administer Green Deal plans. This package will provide very long-term and low-cost funding to enable householders across all parts of the country to finance energy efficiency improvements to their homes.”

If you’re a home owner who’s seriously considering joining the Green Deal program and improving your home energy’s efficiency in a cost-effective manner, then HeatingSave is one of the best solutions available at hand.

Our Building Energy Management System is approved by both the Energy Saving Trust, the Carbon Trust and selected by the BRE (Building Research Establishment) for the Greenhouse Project, which makes it fully compatible with the requirements of the Green Deal program.

Moreover, the system will enable you to save between 20 and 30 percent on your energy bills, which means that, in effect, with the help of the Green Deal programme, it will pay for itself, and ultimately bring you a profit, over time.

If you want to find out more about HeatingSave, Green Deal and just how you benefit the most from the two put together, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to sort out any inquiry you might have.  

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