Energy suppliers under investigation for slow smart meter roll-out

Three of the UK’s Big-Six energy suppliers are currently under investigation by Ofgem over their advanced electricity meter roll-out performance, the energy market watchdog has recently revealed.

Under the Government’s advanced meter roll-out scheme, which began in 2009, suppliers had to take all reasonable steps to fit 155,000 business customers with, and supply electricity through, advanced electricity meters by April 2014.

Based on Ofgem’s assessments, the roll-out was only 75% complete in electricity, compared to 86% complete in gas. British Gas, E.ON and npower had the lowest completion rates in electricity, accounting for over half of the 40,000 advanced electricity meters still waiting to be installed.

Rachel Fletcher, senior partner for Ofgem’s markets division, said: “We are disappointed in the overall performance of the majority of suppliers concerning the roll-out of advanced meters to business customers. These new meters offer real benefits to customers including saving money through reduced energy consumption and ending estimated billing.”

“Regulatory and government programmes are not optional and failure to meet these in a timely way causes consumer harm. All suppliers can and must learn the lessons from the roll-out of meters for business customers and apply them to the domestic smart meter roll-out.”

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