Energy efficient homes should receive stamp duty discounts, MPs suggest

British households should receive more incentives in order to install energy efficiency measures, including here stamp duty discounts, MPs have recently argued.

The Energy and Climate Change Select Committee suggested that such an approach could bolster adoption levels, following the poor performance of the Green Deal scheme.

Tim Yeo MP, chair of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee, said: “The interest rates attached to the Green Deal are simply not financially attractive enough for many households to go to the hassle of setting one up.

“Stamp duty discounts and variable council tax rates could be used to broaden the appeal of energy efficiency improvements and make them even more of a money saver for households. Extra incentives certainly need to be considered as the Government’s flagship pay-as-you-save finance scheme has only delivered a fraction of the expected benefits so far.”

The HeatingSave Building Energy Management System is registered on the Government Energy Technology List, which means that users can easily obtain Green Deal funding in order to have the system installed.

Plus, since it allows home owners to cut energy bills by up to an impressive 30%+, HeatingSave is the perfect energy-saving measure to implement, given the huge long-term savings it enables.

The system is built around the idea of optimizing the energy consumption levels within any area with the help of an advanced heat-loss algorithm that creates a specific profile for any building and based on that, switches heating on later if its warm and off earlier if its cold.

It also automatically adjusts your boiler depending on how warm it is outside – save up to another 10%.

Additionally, the automatic occupancy detection allows the temperature to reduce to a background when areas are not used and quickly brought up to temperature when they are being used.

If you’d like to find out more information on the HeatingSave system and the way in which one can take advantage of it in conjunction with the Green Deal program, just contact our dedicated team, they’ll be more than happy to answer all of the questions and queries you might have.

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