Controller can save oil central heating consumers a third off annual bills

Commodity markets this week have taken fright at the turmoil in Bahrain, which has caused another spike in oil prices. The market had temporarily recovered following the past month’s record-breaking levels per barrel due to the instability in the Middle East. With Libyan production already near zero, markets reacted badly to new demonstrations in Bahrain and the risk it may spread to neighbouring Saudi Arabia. Brent crude futures broke back above $113 a barrel.

Some good news for panicking consumers with oil central heating systems – replacing your central heating clock with a HeatingSave controller can save you £100’s, or one-third, off your annual heating bill. Install and forget is the principle of HeatingSave as its internal computer constantly calculates and improves the efficiency of your central heating system. It works on most types of oil fired boilers, even old ones. Using HeatingSave you can change a room temperature requirement over 1,000 times a day, giving you 100 per cent control of the heating you require for your needs throughout the year.

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