Beat gas tariff rises with money saving central heating management system

Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) has apologised that it is putting up its domestic gas tariffs by 9.4 per cent at the start of December. SSE blamed the increasing wholesale cost of buying gas which it said had gone up by a quarter since March this year. “The last few months have been marked by rising wholesale gas prices and, having absorbed losses in our gas supply business for some time, we cannot delay an increase in retail prices any longer,” said Alistair Phillips-Davies, of SSE. “I am sorry it will take effect during the winter period.”

Therefore now is the time to beat more predicted rises by installing a HeatingSave central heating boiler management system. HeatingSave will cut up to 30%+ off the fuel used by gas, oil and solid fuel heating systems. It replaces the boiler time clock of the existing central heating system with a microprocessor controller that constantly monitors the outside air temperature, boiler and room temperatures. HeatingSave uses this information to only fire up the boilers when absolutely necessary, saving large amounts of fuel in the process.

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