Green councils set up to help drive down energy consumption in cities worldwide

Multiple Green Building Councils have been set up in cities around the world in an attempt to drive down energy consumption and help reduce their carbon footprint, a recent news report has been able to suggest.
The bodies in in Colombia, the United Arab Emirates, Poland and South Africa will work with the cities of Bogota, Dubai, Warsaw and Tshwane respectively in a bid to double energy efficiency rates by 2030.
A partnership of cities, businesses and organisations called the Building Efficiency Accelerator (BEA), led by the World Resources Institute (WRI), will undertake the work with the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC).
The Green Building Councils are to work directly with the city governments while WorldGBC will share resources around the value of green building certification programmes which can operate at a national and local level. WorldGBC recently set a goal for all buildings in specific cities to be “net zero” by 2050.
Jennifer Layke, Director of the Building Efficiency Initiative at the WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities said: “Cities are powerful leaders: as owners, investors and regulators, they shape the sustainability of our future. Buildings that are efficient improve the productivity of both people and energy systems.”
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