Government launches new consultation on smart energy metering for the business sector

The UK government has launched a new consultation on smart metering policy proposals in an effort to improve the benefits of the technology for small and microbusinesses, a recent news report has revealed.

The non-domestic smart meter rollout covers around three million meters in two million premises, the majority of which are small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and microbusinesses.

Statistics from BEIS reveal the smart metering rollout could help businesses save around £1.4 billion by 2030.

It says research shows although SMEs and microbusinesses are interested in saving money, they are likely to see energy as a “background” part of running their business – energy is not something they devote much time to when looking to make significant cost savings unless their energy use is sufficiently high that it forms a significant part of their outgoings, it suggests.

The consultation, which will run until 21st February 2019, proposes two policy changes focused on the smaller end of the non-domestic market, which is not covered by some of the protections available to households, yet not big enough to benefit from some of the brokerage services and deals that more energy-intensive businesses use.

HeatingSave – an excellent energy and money-saving solution for SMEs

SME owners who’re particularly worried about the adverse effects energy price hikes might have on their bottom lines should seriously consider investing in a high-end solution designed specifically to help them optimize their energy consumption, and this is specifically where the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System could help.

By using data coming from a variety of sources (boiler flow and return sensors, internal and external temperature sensors, occupancy sensors, humidity sensors, etc.), HeatingSave optimizes a building’s boiler-based central heating system and helps customers save anywhere between 20 and 30%+ on their bills.

HeatingSave is also approved to work and save fuel within the Energy Technology List, which is managed by the Carbon Trust on behalf of the Government. It is also approved by the Department of Energy & Climate Change and the Energy Savings Trust and was specified by the Building Research Establishment for the energy efficient homes retro-fit program, called The Greenhouse Project.

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