Energy & Security Management Systems for village halls can help streamline maintenance

Energy & Security Management Systems designed from the ground up to meet the specific energy management and security requirements of village halls can streamline maintenance and also mitigate the challenges caused by the dwindling number of people who volunteer to run them.
In fact, one of the biggest issues faced by such community centres across the country is the fact that fewer and fewer people step forward to help run them.
England’s 10,000 village halls rely on more than 12 million hours of volunteering each year, according to a national survey by ACRE.
But more than half of the halls who responded to the survey said they were struggling to find new recruits to help manage the buildings – with people saying they were too busy, too old or simply not interested.
HeatingSave HESM – Delivering easier, more streamlined building management for village halls
The Hall Energy & Security Management (HESM) system manufactured by HeatingSave is a complete turn-key system that replaces your existing heating time clock to provide your building with an inexpensive all-in-one Energy Management, Room Booking and Security Access Control System.
Based on the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System, a Government-approved energy cost reduction system, HESM comes with loads of additional features delivering incredible value for money.
The built-in Room Booking Software, for example, offers exceptional functionality, as it allows users of halls and buildings to thoroughly control booking logistics, quotations, deposits, collection of monies and manage accounts using nothing more than their Browser and an Internet connection.
The system also incorporates a complete Smart Card-based Security Access Control System and provides support for smoke and fire alarms, a built in intruder alert system and the capacity to integrate seamlessly with existing Room Booking systems.
If you’d like to find out more about the HESM system from HeatingSave, please contact us or Book a Demo and our experts will be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.