Energy efficiency development requires more policy certainty, business forum argues

The energy efficiency industry requires more policy certainty provided by the UK government, the Westminster Sustainable Business Forum (WSBF) argued in the wake of inquiries by the Energy & Climate Change Committee, National Audit Office and the upcoming Bonfield Review.
The report by the WSBF, a coalition of key UK businesses, parliamentarians, civil servants and other organisations seeking to promote effective sustainable policy in the UK, suggests that policies are needed to cut fuel poverty “drastically” alongside energy bill savings, better home comfort and quality of living as well as slash carbon emissions.
The report recommends implementing minimum energy efficiency standards through regulation when selling and renting homes as well as regulating marketing in the private rented sector. It suggests the government develops a scheme similar to the ‘Energiesprong’ programme in the Netherlands, which provides whole house upgrades and acts as broker between installers and the customer, making retrofitting far more financially viable.
The report also calls for greater financial support for those in fuel poverty and incentivising people to improve their home’s energy efficiency such as changes in mortgage products and lower stamp duty.
Co-chairs Peter Aldous MP and Dr Alan Whitehead MP said: “This report provides an extremely useful guide to the future of domestic energy efficiency policy. It could not come at a better time.”
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