Drones used for monitoring buildings’ energy efficiency

A team of students at Strathclyde University’s Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering are coupling thermal imaging cameras to drones to monitor energy efficiency in buildings, a recent news report has revealed.

The students have created a start-up called Drone Wrangler and are exploring the diversity and viability of drone technology to provide services across industries including energy, agriculture and construction.

“Energy efficiency is important in buildings for environmental and economic reasons but some equipment used to measure it is expensive and doesn’t always give a full reading,” Americo Pino, one of the students, said.

“Drones can make these types of inspections more comprehensive and thermal imaging technology takes this a step further. Our drone lifts off automatically and can link to around 17 satellites at a time, so it’s very precise in the images it takes and very safe to fly.”

While this is indeed a very innovative way of monitoring energy efficiency, installing a complex sensor capable of delivering real time, actionable results is something every building owner should consider.

HeatingSave BEMS – the perfect solution for achieving energy savings within office buildings

Achieving energy savings within the non-domestic sector can be easily achieved by implementing advanced advanced BEMS (Building Energy Management System) solutions, and this is exactly where the HeatingSave system might prove its worth, since our solution allows customers to achieve immediately savings of up to 30%+ on their energy bills.

This is achieved by optimizing the energy consumption levels within any building with the help of an advanced heat-loss algorithm that creates a specific profile for any building and based on that, switches heating on later if its warm and off earlier if its cold.

It also automatically adjusts your boiler depending on how warm it is outside – save up to another 10%.

Furthermore, the system also offers an advanced automatic occupancy detection system that allows the temperature to reduce to a background when areas are not used and quickly brought up to temperature when they are being used.

If you’d like to find out more about the HeatingSave Building Energy Management System, then simply contact our dedicated product team, they’ll help you get all the necessary information and answer all of your queries.

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