Connected building management systems (BMS) can help hotels cut their energy use

Connected building management systems (BMS) will help hotels drive down their energy bills by optimizing consumption across guest rooms, but also by offering managers a set of very simple and useful control tools, experts believe.
By using an intelligent BMS system, hotels will be able to manage their energy costs by automating tasks that traditionally were performed by property staff. For example, energy-management thermostats automatically can set temperatures back in unoccupied rooms to save energy.
Smart building management systems can also determine the optimum heating or cooling times for a guestroom in order to recover to the guest’s preferred temperature in a predetermined amount of time. This could, in fact, prove to be a very popular choice, as many guests are concerned with energy usage and the impact that energy consumption has on the environment so being at the forefront in terms of reducing energy usage is always a good thing.
When implementing a BMS systems, hotels should also focus on controlling common areas, which are often forgotten as a source of potential energy savings. Hallways, ballrooms, gyms, spas and pools are all areas where hotels can reduce energy consumption. Meeting rooms are prime candidates for energy savings because they generally have larger surface areas than guestrooms and are used intermittently.
In fact, more than 50 percent of the hotel’s square footage is typically outside of the guestrooms. One of the easiest ways to conserve energy in common areas and reduce peak demand is with more efficient lighting and pumps. By using a building-management system tailored for the common areas that integrates with other energy-consuming items like kitchen equipment also is helpful.
HeatingSave – the smart, connected BMS system easy to retrofit to existing boilers
Most estates of hotels, sports centres and pubs have a mixture of building types and heating systems within them. HeatingSave is the perfect solution to combine the energy management and consumption of these buildings into one system that provides a comprehensive overall management tool to automatically cut costs and also provide the necessary data for you to make investment decisions.
Automatic control of electric heaters or radiators for each room
Even small hotel groups are able to reduce heating costs with a network of HeatingSave controllers, one in each hotel, all connected via the Internet. Wet heating systems benefit from our TRV’s connected on each floor to a HeatingSave controller where the temperature in each room temperature can be managed; either via transactions from your existing room booking software or by using the HeatingSave integral Room Booking module.
Furthermore, the automatic processing nature of the HeatingSave Intelligent Controllers maintain comfort conditions and allow for the utility bills and other manually input data combine with automatic data from our control systems. The advanced software gives users full control over the costs, CO2 statistics and graphical pyramid reporting of energy usage, making the whole energy management process a lot easier.
If you want to find out more about the HeatingSave system or you’d like to benefit from one of our Free Energy Surveys, just get in touch with our dedicated product team, and they’ll be more than happy to help.