Cambridge could become a zero-carbon city by 2050

The city of Cambridge could commit to reducing its carbon emissions to zero by 2050, should local councillors agree to the plans laid out in a report on a new climate change strategy that will be presented at the council’s Strategy and Resources Committee on 21 March 2016.
The new strategy focuses on reducing emissions in four key areas that contribute most to the city’s carbon footprint and where the council has the greatest influence. These are: emissions from council buildings and activities; energy used by homes and businesses; sustainable transport; and reducing waste and consumption and increasing recycling. It also sets out measures to help residents and businesses adapt to the impacts of climate change, particularly those who are most vulnerable.
The strategy recommends that the council continues to support existing programmes and services which help reduce emissions, and identifies new areas where the council can have even greater impact.
It also recognises that the council cannot tackle climate change on its own, and calls on local organisations and businesses to work on collaborative policies that will help reduce carbon emissions from Cambridge. The council has set a target in its new carbon management plan to reduce carbon emissions from its buildings and services by 15% by 2021. This will be achieved through rationalising our office estate and investing £1.7m in 22 carbon reduction projects,
Cllr George Owers, Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources, said: “Following the international agreements reached in Paris in November, it is vital that the city council continues to do all it can to support international efforts to tackle climate change. This strategy builds on the council’s work to date and clearly sets out the steps we will take to help reduce carbon emissions over the next five years.”
“We have listened to the views of residents and experts expressed through the consultation, and have set a target for reducing the council’s carbon footprint, together with an aspiration to dramatically reduce emissions from Cambridge as a city. We call upon the city’s universities, businesses and local environmental groups to collaborate with us and help achieve this goal.”
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