London Mayor Boris Johnson launches RE:FIT Schools Energy Efficiency Programme

Educational institutions in the London area may save an impressive £32m and cut carbon emissions by more than 125,000 tonnes over a ten year time frame, should they decided to enroll in a new energy efficiency scheme, introduced yesterday by London Mayor, Boris Johnson.

According to a news report on the matter, the RE:FIT Schools Energy Efficiency Programme will grant schools access to an interest free loan to cover the costs of installing necessary energy saving equipment including improved insulation, low energy lighting systems and new, efficient boilers.

The new scheme is designed to reduce the schools’ overall running costs and allows participants to use a pre-selected contractor to carry out the work. In turn, the contractor will offer schools a guaranteed energy saving upfront, enabling them to predict fuel bill savings which they can then use to repay their loans and continue to make energy and financial savings long after the initial costs have been met.

For the schools that decided to take advantage of the RE:FIT programme, HeatingSave is really a shoo in, given the fact that our advanced building energy management system has been specifically designed in order to help you save up to an impressive 30%+ on all of your energy bills.

This is possible due to the fact that HeatingSave optimizes your heating system’s overall functionality by taking into account a variety of factors, such as internal and external temperatures, occupancy, time of the year, the particular characteristics of your boilers, etc. All of the data is used in order to determine the best heating patterns for the various heating zones within any building, using our proprietary heat-loss algorithm.

The end result is that you’d still get a very good level of comfort, while in the same time saving energy and money in the process.

If you’d like to find out more details on all the features HeatingSave has in store, just contact our dedicated product team, they’ll be more than happy to provide you with all the necessary information.

Plus, you can also take a look at our case study section and see just how our energy efficiency solution has already helped quite a lot of school cut energy-related costs.  

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