
Read the latest news and blogs surrounding building energy management systems and saving on your heating bills with HeatingSave.

Building work under way on 214 new low carbon homes in Cardiff

A scheme comprising 214 new properties that will incorporate renewable technologies and smart energy management systems to significantly reduce the energy demand on the grid has started being developed in Cardiff, a recent news report in the local media has been able to suggest. The scheme will take energy performance standards to a new level […]

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Building Energy Management Systems’ Market to reach US$8.4billion by 2027, new research report reveals

The global Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) market is expected to reach US$8.4billion by 2027, trailing a post COVID-19 CAGR of 12.4% between 2020 and 2027, a recent market research report has been able to suggest. Building Management Systems are sophisticated systems integrating hardware, software, and services with information and communication technologies for monitoring, automating, […]

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Smart Buildings: The Key to Post-Pandemic Recovery

As the first signs of the end of the COVID-19 pandemic are starting to appear, city governments worldwide are looking to accelerate an economic recovery from COVID-19 that enables people to get back to work, while preventing climate breakdown from becoming an even bigger crisis. One solution these bodies are looking into is investing COVID […]

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