Home News

Read the latest home news and blogs surrounding building energy management systems and saving on your bills with HeatingSave.

Home Energy Monitoring Systems Can Help You Save Energy and Money

Home Energy Monitoring Systems can help you gain a better understanding on how and where you’re are using (and potentially wasting) gas and electricity throughout your home, while in the same time providing extremely important information on air quality and other factors that could potentially impact your well-being. A home energy monitoring system connects to […]

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Improved energy efficiency in homes set to bolster the economy

A higher level of government investment into home energy efficiency programmes could help tackle climate change and create up to 9,000 jobs, economists have recently argued, according to a recent news report. Economists at the University of Strathclyde and London School of Economics were backing calls from the Existing Homes Alliance to “transform” Scotland’s existing […]

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HeatingSave Building Energy Management System

Scotland launches ambitious pilot energy efficiency scheme

A new energy efficiency scheme in Glasgow, Argyll and Bute and Perthshire will provide loans of up to £40,000 to homeowners on low incomes to help them make essential energy efficiency improvements to their homes, a recent news report has been able to suggest. The £10 million pilot scheme provides the funding that can be […]

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British sports fans to pay more for electricity

The large number of sporting events that schedules for this summer is likely to cause an overall hike in energy bills for those keen to watch them all, a recent news report has been able to suggest. The fresh research from uSwitch.com reveals the average Brit will spend the equivalent of a working week watching […]

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HeatingSave Building Energy Management System

Local authority commits to massive energy savings

A local authority in England has revealed plans to slash its carbon emissions by up to 60% by 2025, a news report has been able to reveal. Suffolk County Council has acknowledged the fact that investment in the region’s housing stock will be vital to hitting this target. And as a first measure, it has […]

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HeatingSave Building Energy Management System