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Read the latest home news and blogs surrounding building energy management systems and saving on your bills with HeatingSave.

HeatingSave can help cut greenhouse gases coming from homes

As experts doubt that pledges made at a United Nations summit in Copenhagen in December will actually deliver, it is no wonder people are concerned about the rise in greenhouse gases. On a domestic level, using new technology like a HeatingSave energy management system can cut down on central heating’s contribution to harmful emissions whilst saving money at the same time.

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Improve your central heating efficiency to cut carbon emissions

Leading nations appear as if they are having second thoughts on tackling global warming a mere six months after the Copenhagen summit. The Australian government has had to delay the introduction of its carbon emissions-trading scheme. The Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) was supposed to be the guiding force behind reducing Australian emissions by 5-25% within the next ten years. But Senate opposition has forced Kevin Rudd's administration to back down.

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HeatingSave prevents unnecessary heat loss and wastage in homes

The Scottish government is using cutting-edge technology which will enable housing providers to pinpoint precisely where heat is being lost. Clyde Valley Housing Association is one of four Scottish associations taking part in the scheme which could be introduced countywide if successful. During the 15-month process, thermal imaging will be carried out by IRT Surveys of Dundee.

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How to save on heating when smaller energy companies put up prices

HeatingSave’s intelligent heating controller is the answer to fuel bills going up. The price comparison site confused.com said that the smaller energy companies, because they do not benefit from the bigger economies of scale, tend to be the first to pass on reduced prices in a falling market, and of course are the first to raise them as wholesale prices go up.

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HeatingSave cuts carbon footprint of buildings as USA stalls legislation

There has been a big blow to prospective climate legislation in the United States of America. A group of senators were due to unveil a new bill this week, but postponed their plans when one of the three, South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham, threatened to pull out if Senate majority leader Harry Reid followed through on talk of introducing a bill to reform immigration policy.

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Oil and fuel prices on the rise again

Oil prices are at their highest for 10 months, up at over $74 a barrel, as Europe, China and maybe the USA come out of recession and start using more energy. Demand for oil from China rose by 3.5% in July compared with July 2008 with similar increases in demand expected from the euro zone as their industrial output strengthens.

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