Home News

Read the latest home news and blogs surrounding building energy management systems and saving on your bills with HeatingSave.

Energy prices to stay high this winter

The major suppliers of energy have told the regulator Ofgem that there is "little chance" of them reducing energy bills this winter. (of course we all know that when they say this they really mean, no chance) Energy firms say that their costs, excluding the price of the energy itself, have risen steeply and that it is for this reason that prices will not come down; despite an anticipated decrease in wholesale energy costs.

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HeatingSave brings cheaper fuel bills to maisonettes and flats

Aided by a £550,000 assembly government grant for the scheme, residents of maisonettes and flats in Wales were told that their homes would receive external wall insulation which could save them up to 40% on their heating bills. This is part of plans to spend up to £40m over the next five years on home improvements. The blocks in Penparcau are part of a project to make them more energy efficient.

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Energy controller switches off heating when you are not in

Consumer watchdog, Consumer Focus, said it was worried that fuel prices would rise further in the wake of British Gas seeing its profits rise 98 per cent in the first half of this year. Audrey Gallacher, head of energy policy at the organisation, said: "We are concerned that energy firms may actually raise prices this winter.

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Heating controller so effective in cutting carbon emissions

The Guardian newspaper is running a Lighter Later campaign to have the clocks permanently changed, adding that continuing to move the clocks forward in summer, so they become one hour ahead of British Summer Time and two hours ahead of GMT, could also deliver carbon savings. Research the paper has commissioned has been presented at an event at Parliament.

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How can I make my home more energy efficient?

A new government report says more than one in 10 new homes in Britain do not meet legal requirements for energy efficiency, so it’s no wonder tens of thousands of householders have higher energy bills. Record fuel prices are only adding to this tale of financial woe.The government has identified improving households" energy efficiency as the best way to reduce carbon emissions at the same time as keeping a lid on rising utility bills.

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HeatingSave fights fuel poverty by lowering your bills

A committee of MPs has just warned that the government is on course to fail to meet its own targets on reducing fuel poverty. The official definition of fuel poverty is “spending more than 10 per cent of household income on energy bills”. As the period between last December and March brought the coldest winter for a generation and fuel bills continue to rise, the committee’s findings do not really come as a surprise.

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HeatingSave tops the polls by saving money on fuel bills

Voters are interested in how each party"s policies could affect the money in their pockets. Plenty has been pledged in the parties’ manifestos on pensions, property and children before the general election day on Thursday, May 6. Apart from a brief mention of winter fuel, little attention seems to have been paid to reducing fuel prices. HeatingSave tops the polls with a quick and money-saving solution.

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Energy-saving boiler tips now oil prices return to record levels

There is never a better time to be conscious about energy efficiency now that oil prices are returning to record levels after a temporary blip during the past week. So here are a few energy-saving tips that consumers cannot ignore, oil and other fuel bills are at unprecedented highs. Making your oil-fired boiler more efficient through better controls is a starting point.

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