Home News

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Energy efficiency regarded as safer investment in the UK

Improving the UK’s energy efficiency is considered to be the most low-risk investment, and the most reliable way to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions in the future, the 2015 Energy Barometer report from the Energy Institute (EI), the professional body for the UK energy industry, has been able to reveal. More than 60 per cent […]

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NHS could attain major energy savings by comparing energy costs

The NHS is currently wasting money on energy and could attain major savings of “several hundred million pounds” by comparing energy costs, a recent report into the NHS has been able to find. The latest NHS interim evaluation: ‘Review of Operational Productivity in NHS providers’ found that NHS trusts do not compare energy costs in […]

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Ireland to invest €8.5m in energy efficiency

The Church of Ireland has decided to provide €8.5 million (£6.12m) worth of funding for energy efficiency projects, a recent news report has been able to reveal. The cash will be used by the Ireland Energy Efficiency Fund (IEEF), which is aiming for investment totalling €70 million (£50.4m) by 2016. It was previously granted €35 […]

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