Home News

Read the latest home news and blogs surrounding building energy management systems and saving on your bills with HeatingSave.

New group to combat fuel poverty established in Scotland

A new organization designed to combat fuel poverty has been established in Scotland, a recent news report in the local media has been able to reveal. Since 39.1% of households in Scotland are in fuel poverty, according to the latest statistical released, the newly-established Scottish Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force will have its work cut out […]

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Switching energy suppliers could take just one day by 2018

24-hour energy switching might become a real service over the next three years under new plans revealed by the UK Government. A media news report suggests that the plan to introduce switching in a day was announced as part of the government’s response to the Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) provisional findings. The government insists […]

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Energy literacy is becoming a problem for young people

Young people have a lesser understanding of energy expenditure and bills and often wind up paying more according to Energy Saving Trust public opinion tracker UK:Pulse. Only seven per cent of under-35s say they fully understand their bill, with nearly 40 per cent unable to identify that electricity is measured in Kilowatt hours. By contrast, […]

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