Home News

Read the latest home news and blogs surrounding building energy management systems and saving on your bills with HeatingSave.

Scotland has up to 1.5m “cold homes”, research finds

There are around 1.5 million “unhealthily cold” homes across Scotland, figures released by the Existing Homes Alliance Scotland, whose members include WWF Scotland, Changeworks and the National Insulation Association, have been able to suggest. Glasgow is the region where most of the homes are located, with around 165,000. There are almost 150,000 cold homes in […]

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HeatingSave Building Energy Management System

Mitigating the effects of fuel poverty could help drive down NHS costs

Identifying people in danger of falling into fuel poverty and helping them mitigate their heating and electricity woes could potentially help the NHS reduce its costs by preventing the potentially life-threatening conditions induced by the lack of adequate heating. This is what charity Shelter Scotland claims as it has recently launched the national Healthy Homes […]

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HeatingSave Energy Monitor software

Data initiative helps people in need cut their energy bills

The Energy Saving Trust’s data matching service for the Affordable Warmth arm of the ECO scheme has just processed its 100,000th record since launching in June last year and helped a very large number of people in need reduce their energy consumption and bills. It’s a service tailored to simply check people’s eligibility for the […]

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Building Energy Management Systems