UK government launches new programme to support “game changing” energy technologies
The UK government has launched a new programme to look for ”game changing” technologies that could be potentially adapted to the energy-efficiency industry, a recent news report has been able to reveal.
Energy efficiency measures could help businesses reduce business bills by 18-25%
Deploying energy saving measures could help businesses reduce their overall business bills by anywhere between 18 to 25%, a recent report by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has been able to reveal.
Home Automation Market to Surge at Strong 26% CAGR by 2020, report reveals
The Home Automation Market is set to grow at an estimate CAGR of 26% between 2014-2020, reaching an impressive $21.6 billion by the end of the interval, a recent market research report has been able to
The UK should cut carbon emissions by 57% until 2030
The UK government should commit to reducing carbon emissions by 57% until 2030, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has recently argued.
Highland Council puts forward controversial energy cost-cutting proposal
Under a controversial proposal drawn up by Highland Council’s administration, all council buildings - including schools – should be shut down for half day on Fridays in order to cut energy use.
Close to 80 percent of smart meter customers are actively trying to reduce their energy use
Almost 80 percent of customers who have smart meters installed have taken steps to reduce their energy use, including actions such as turning the lights off and heating down as well as changing the way they use household appliances, data from the DECC’s ‘Fourth Annual Report on the Roll out of Smart Meters’ has been able to
Most firms shy away from energy efficiency technologies due to “high upfront costs”
The majority of businesses who opt not to install energy efficiency technologies do so because of what they perceive as “high upfront costs” and savings that are only visible on the long-term, a recent report has been able to reveal.
The EU launches €6.4m (£4.48m) project to bolster energy efficiency in buildings
The EU has launched a new project worth €6.4 million (£4.48m) aimed at improving green building technologies and helping in the reduction of carbon emissions, a recent news report has been able to reveal.
Primary school students take energy efficiency masterclass
Primary school students from two schools in Bolton took part in a workshop by National Energy Action to be taught how important it is to keep fuel costs down in the winter months in conjunction with Wigan Council's Affordable Warmth Access Referral Mechanism (AWARM).
The benefits of energy efficiency can’t be ignored, Energy Minister argues
The concept of energy efficiency will have huge potential benefits on the long run and its benefits are “far too huge to be ignored”, the UK's Energy Minister Lord Bourne has recently said.