Business News

Read the latest business news and blogs surrounding building energy management systems and saving on your bills with HeatingSave.

Progress in deploying clean energy technologies still falling short of requirements, IEA suggests

Although there have been positive developments on some energy technologies, in particular renewable energy, progress is still slow in deploying new technologies compared to what is actually required, the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s annual report, Energy Technology Perspectives 2016, has been able to suggest. The report noted: “The realisation that swift action is needed to […]

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Building Energy Management Systems

India to increase energy efficiency investments

India could commit as much as $5 billion (£3.4bn) to energy efficiency projects by 2020, a new report by consultancy Sustainable Outlook has been able to suggest. That is the estimated amount to be invested through the government’s Perform-Achieve-Trade (PAT) scheme, which was launched in 2008 and aims to increase energy efficiency in industries by […]

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New £20m energy research centre to open at Newcastle University

Newcastle University will create a new £20m research and testing centre designed to provide real-time understanding of UK energy use and ultimately help drive down customer bills, a recent news report has revealed. The EPSRC National Centre for Energy Systems Integration will allow experts to test the entire UK energy system in real time with […]

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Energy Efficiency Measures help US Firms save $1.3bn

Implementing advanced energy saving measures has helped US firms save more than $1.3(£0.89) billion on their overall bills, a news report suggests. The 310 public and private organisations made energy-saving commitments through the Department of Energy’s ‘Better Buildings Challenge’, resulting in the cost savings. The initiative, which was launched by President Barack Obama in 2011, […]

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HeatingSave Building Energy Management System

Up to 42k energy efficiency measures deployed in March

Building energy management systems were among the 42,600 energy efficiency measures installed in March under the government’s Energy Company Obligation (ECO), according to official figures released by the DECC. In total 1.79 million measures have been installed under the scheme which requires larger suppliers to deliver energy-saving solutions such as efficient boilers and insulation in […]

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HeatingSave Building Energy Management System