Energy efficiency upgrades to be deployed across more than 3,000 Irish homes and facilities
Energy efficiency upgrades are set to be deployed across more than 2,600 homes and almost 300 local facilities in Ireland as part of the Better Energy Communities (BEC) scheme. Ran by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, the scheme has secured €20m (£16.7m) in funding. Speaking at the launch, Denis Naughten, Communications Minister for Climate […]

BEMS deployment to soar as retrofits in commercial buildings set for major growth
The deployment of BEMS (Building Energy Management System)-type solutions is likely to soar by 2025 as the global revenue for energy efficient retrofits in commercial buildings is estimated to exceed $100 billion (£0.74bn) by 2025, according to recent data released by Navigant Research. The firm’s market research report suggests that, on a global scale, buildings […]

Smart heating controls can help small businesses attain significant energy savings
Smart heating control systems can have a massive contribution to reducing a small business’ energy costs, as most of them are able to reduce energy use by an average of eight to 15 percent, according to an ACEEE study. Building Energy Management Systems with smart climate control features control the ambient environment, keeping it at […]

Energy efficiency programme launched for New York’s commercial buildings
Commercial buildings in New York – including office towers, universities, hospitals, and retail stores – will be able to access an investment fund of $36 million in order to implement energy efficiency measures. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), who provided the funding, believes that commercial buildings, which are some of […]

Energy efficiency investment is affected by low oil prices, IEA reveals
The prolonged period of lower oil prices has led to a significant reduction in energy efficiency investment, new analysis from the International Energy Agency (IEA) has been able to find. The report found investments in the oil sector declined last year and in 2016, the first consecutive two-year drop in three decades. The industry cut […]

Up to 1.91m energy efficiency measures installed by April, DECC figures suggest
An estimate 1.91m energy efficiency measures have been deployed across the UK by April under the ECO, Green Deal and Green Deal Home Improvement Fund schemes, recent data released by the DECC has been able to suggest. The energy efficiency measures were deployed across 1.53 million properties through the Energy Company Obligation (ECO), Green Deal […]

New Commercial and Industrial Development Projects to Drive BEMS Market until 2020, study suggests
The next-generation Building Energy Management Systems’ (BEMS) market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 11% during the period 2016-2020, with the new construction projects in the commercial and industrial sectors being the main growth drivers. A new market research paper from Techavio suggests that the American market is the largest regional […]

Global Next-Generation Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) Market to Grow at 11.05% CAGR by 2020
The Global Next-Generation Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) Market is set to grow at a 11.05% CAGR by 2020, data from a new market research report has been able to suggest. The “Global Next-Generation Building Energy Management Systems 2016-2020” report from Research and Markets covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global […]

Fenland local authority to begin ambitious energy saving programme across region’s leisure centres
Fenland District Council has revealed plans for a £823,000 energy-saving scheme targeting the region’s leisure centres, a recent news report has been able to suggest. As part of this scheme, inefficient or worn-out heating, lighting and ventilation equipment will be replaced with new, energy-efficient gear, with the resulting cuts in energy costs expected to make […]

Despite ambitious carbon emissions cuts plans, the UK still lacks the necessary policies
Draft legislation laid before parliament recently would set the UK’s fifth carbon budget at a 57% emissions cut by 2028-2032, compared to 1990 levels, but the policies that would enable the country to actually achieve these savings are not in place, a recent news report has been able to suggest. Without significant new policy interventions, however, […]