Business News

Read the latest business news and blogs surrounding building energy management systems and saving on your bills with HeatingSave.

Commercial property owners can achieve significant savings by integrating sustainability within the acquisition process

Making the principle of sustainability a key component of the acquisition process could help commercial property owners achieve significant savings, experts believe. For this reason, a group of property companies and industry experts have joined forced to develop the Better Buildings Partnership (BBP) Acquisitions Sustainability Toolkit, which aims to provide a common approach for the […]

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Building Management Systems software from HeatingSave

Installing building energy monitoring and management systems at construction stage helps create sustainable, efficient homes

Deploying building energy monitoring and management systems within new-build dwellings can help developers create sustainable, efficient homes at a lower overall cost. A recent example of such an initiative comes South Yorkshire, where developers Avant Homes are set to build 62 sustainable and energy-efficient new properties on a 12.2-acre development, with the first homes expected […]

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Improving energy efficiency should become a priority for the UK, engineering leaders believe

Improving energy efficiency should become an industrial strategy priority, the Royal Academy of Engineering has recently argued in a white paper. The “Engineering an economy that works for all” report recommends that government, through the Emissions Reduction Plan, should deliver a stable medium- to long-term energy strategy that provides the confidence and certainty required to […]

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Confidence in energy efficiency industry is soaring

The level of consumer confidence in the energy efficiency segment is soaring, a new report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) can reveal. The research points out that throughout Q1, 80% of suppliers say order levels are either remaining stable or growing and this optimism carried forward to their strong predictions for future growth. Although […]

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Building Management Systems software from HeatingSave

Fight back the heatwave with CoolingSave

As Britain is faced with the longest heatwave in 20 years, the issue of maintaining a low temperatures in the workplace without overspending on energy is becoming increasingly important for the majority of British companies and organisations. While the HeatingSave Low-Cost Building Energy Management System (BEMS) is primarily known for managing heating systems and cutting […]

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