Strong growth prospects forecast for Integrated Building Management Systems’ Market
The global integrated building management systems market will attain a significant level of growth over the next 9 years, driven especially the need to achieve significant energy savings among commercial end-users, a recent market research report has been able to suggest. Building Management Systems (BMS) are computer based control systems installed in buildings, which monitor […]

Cut your heating and energy bills by 20% to 30%+ AND save up to £5,000 off of your HeatingSave system upgrade / extension costs
The HeatingSave ethos has remained unchanged over the years – to cut your heating and energy bills by 20% to 30%+. We are constantly improving our hardware and software solutions in order to achieve this, but we are also looking into various other ways to help you cut costs– including finding the most suitable funding […]

ESOS energy efficiency audits can help small firms save money, research suggests
Striving to achieve ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) compliance is actually beneficial for small British companies, as it allows them to achieve significant savings on their energy bills, recent research has been able to suggest. New research conducted by the UK Government about the initiative, says two-thirds of SMEs saved in excess of £200 in […]

Energy efficiency to be a top priority in the UK’s Clean Growth strategy
Energy efficiency will be a top priority in the UK Government’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and support clean growth, a news source has revealed. As many as 50 measures are expected to be included in the blueprint for how the UK can meet legally-binding targets to reduce carbon emissions by 57 per cent from […]

Lack of energy efficiency leads to renters overspending
The lack of energy efficiency in various rental properties across the UK is leading to tenants having to overspend on energy by around £13 million every month, a recent study by insurance firm AXA has been able to suggest. The reports reveals that, despite the significant energy efficiency improvements implemented by landlords over the past […]

Building energy monitoring – a mission-critical component of any energy management plan
Building energy monitoring systems (or energy monitoring modules implemented within building management systems – BMS’) should be considered mission-critical components for any energy management plan, as they can provide accurate insights into what, where, why and how the energy is used, as well as determine whether the measures implemented as part of the plan are […]

“Big six” energy supplier stirs up controversy with new “incentives” for smart meter rollout
One of the UK’s “big six” energy suppliers has stirred up controversy by planning to offer “incentives” in the form of cheaper deals for customers who decide to have a smart meter installed, an investigation has revealed. The move by E.ON, which has nearly 5 million customers, the vast majority of which do not yet […]

How to mitigate fire risks in plant and equipment by using an “early warning” system
Many pieces of plant and equipment have motors and other electromechanical devices. These devices are found in refrigerators, freezers, compressors, heat pumps (both ASHP and GSHP systems) and numerous other products, which, unfortunately, can starts to fail. This causes the equipment to draw more current leading to overheating or even fire. Fire risks posed by […]

Local authority launches scheme to help residents save on energy
A local authority has revealed plans to launch a series of energy-saving initiatives to help residents combat the rising cost of energy bills, a recent news report in the local business media has been able to suggest. Southend Council will roll out a series of measures, such as setting up energy generation and storage devices […]
City to start monitoring energy consumption and CO2 emissions in buildings
Authorities in one of the world’s fastest growing cities will start monitoring energy consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions as part of an ambitious scheme to reduce electricity and water usage and cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 30 percent by 2030, a recent news report in the local media has revealed. A monitoring trial […]