Business News

Read the latest business news and blogs surrounding building energy management systems and saving on your bills with HeatingSave.

Advanced Room Booking System For Your Business

  HeatingSave’s building energy management system features an advanced room booking system which gives users, such as village halls, hotels and leisure centres, to name a few, the ability to control their heating in coordination with bookings on the system. There are many features that make the building energy management system (BEMS) so impressive; however, […]

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How Businesses Can Tackle Rising Energy Bills

  Rising energy bills in the UK over the last few months have brought more than a hassle to businesses, already struggling financially due to business closures during the pandemic. Indeed, some estimates suggest that energy bills could rise by 50% in years to come as a result of Covid-19. A particularly hard hit sector […]

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HeatingSave Supports Village Halls Week 2022

Village Halls Week, taking place between Monday 24th January and Sunday 30th January 2022, is a national campaign, shining a spotlight on the contribution England’s 10,000+ village halls make to rural communities. It is an opportunity for hall management committees to celebrate their work and get inspiration from others. This is the fifth annual campaign […]

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village halls week

A Low-Cost Solution to the 2035 Gas Boiler Ban

Gas boilers could be banned by the year 2035, and the Government have unveiled plans for £5,000 grants to allow people to install home heat pumps and other low-carbon boiler replacements in order to help tackle the on-going climate issues. Ministers have recently announced that the installation of low-carbon heat pumps would be encouraged with […]

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2035 boiler gas ban

Gas Price Crisis: Why Are Gas Prices So High?

Energy prices are soaring and recent figures have warned that some businesses could be forced to close. The price rise is also causing fuel bills to rise for millions of households across the country – with further significant increases expected next year. Gas prices are so high due to the worldwide squeeze on gas and […]

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How to Stop Energy Price Rises

Stopping the constant rise in energy bills is becoming a growing concern for businesses and homeowners across the country. Especially, as colder weather looms and the winter months beckon, the time is approaching for the heating to be turned up to stay warm on the colder winter days. As expected, this increases heating and energy […]

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stop energy price rises

How Sports Clubs Can Save Money on Heating & Energy Bills

At grassroots and beginners level, it is vitally important that sports clubs have the ability to save money where necessary. From football, rugby and cricket clubs, to swimming, hockey and gymnastics clubs, there is an endless list of sports clubs and societies that benefit from saving money on heating and energy bills.  And what’s spurred […]

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how sports clubs can save money on heating and energy bills

How SMEs Can Reach Their Net Zero Target

Whilst it is in the general consensus that reaching a net zero target and reducing energy waste is a concern and priority for business owners, many businesses have claimed that they are unaware of how to even begin the process – citing no available (or affordable) help on how to calculate their carbon footprint. Small […]

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how smes can reach their net zero target

5 Reasons Why You Need a Building Management System

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HeatingSave offers a smart building energy management system capable of running any building more efficiently, and improving security whilst doing so. It drastically reduces wasted fuel and energy, cuts the cost of your utility bills and lowers CO2 emissions all whilst maintaining personal comfort conditions. It is designed for use in all building archetypes, sizes […]

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