Tensor plc install a site wide HeatingSave system
Tensor plc design and manufacture smart card and biometric Time & Attendance and Access Control equipment. Their Hail Weston site comprises a number of buildings each with it’s own central heating system. Some of the buildings are used less frequently than others, meaning that the heating was often on when rooms were unoccupied. There is no gas in Hail Weston, so the boilers use kerosene oil, but one boiler is still solid fuel, using anthracite.

The Charlton Manor School Saves Thousands by Using HeatingSave
In June 2009 headmaster, Tim Baker, was investigating how he could improve the efficiency of the school heating system. He compared control systems from suppliers on the Greenwich Preferred List and those of HeatingSave, and decided to install a HeatingSave Enterprise system because "There is nothing like it on the market".

Phoenix Mechanical Services gets extensive heating control with HeatingSave
Phoenix Mechanical Services Limited have been established since 1983 and are a well-known sub-contractor with a very good reputation for quality and reliability.

Brookvale High School saves money and cuts bills with HeatingSave
Brookvale High School accommodates up to 650 students aged 11 to 14, accompanied by a total of 100 staff members, in its modern and spacious campus located on the outskirts of Groby village, in Leicestershire.

Knauf Insulation Selects HeatingSave as Mission Critical Energy & Environmental Monitoring System
Knauf Insulation with more than 30 years of experience in the insulation industry represents one of the fastest growing and most respected names in insulation worldwide. The company is part of the Knauf Group, a family-owned multi-national manufacturer of building materials and construction systems, established in 1932. The Knauf Group with a group turnover of […]

University of Salford Uses HeatingSave Energy & Environmental Monitoring System
The Smart Heritage Building Performance Measurement for Sustainability (HBIM) project focuses on studying methods for smart energy and environmental performance measurement in heritage buildings, for sustainability and heritage preservation purposes. The University of Salford’s Applied Buildings and Energy Research Group (ABERG) is one of the main partners in this research initiative and, as part of […]

University of Newcastle’s SWAN centre uses the HeatingSave Energy Monitor for in-depth Research on Energy Efficiency
Established in 2006, Sir Joseph Swan Centre for Energy Research (or SWAN centre) is a community of sustainability and e

HeatingSave’s Energy & Environmental Monitoring system plays a critical role in University of the West of England’s Building Performance Monitoring Research Project
The Smart Heritage Building Performance Measurement for Sustainability (HBIM) project is an institutional-link collaboration studying methods for smart energy and environmental performance measurement in heritage buildings, for sustainability and heritage preservation purposes. The University of the West of England, the University of Salford, the British University in Egypt and Cairo University are the main partners […]

HeatingSave doubles as building fault diagnostics tool for the Lindum Group
The Lindum Group is a well-known name in the construction sector, focusing on large construction projects, especially in the food manufacturing and retailing sectors, as well as education and social housing.

HeatingSave cuts fuel bills for the Old Rectory
The Old Rectory in Kings Cliffe near Peterborough is a fine example of a large early Victorian house set in its own grounds. Like many large old houses it is not inexpensive to heat and the current owner, Mr Collins, had noticed how the price of gas had increased dramatically when he received his quarterly bill.