Kington Langley Village Hall Consistently Save 30% on Heating & Energy Bills with HeatingSave

Kington Langley Village Hall, situated near Chippenham in Wiltshire, is home to a variety of events and classes for the local community. The main hall which is 20×9 metres in size and licensed for a seating capacity of up to 180 people, and is host to a wide range of groups such as an amateur radio society, fine art classes, dance groups, pilates and yoga classes, a children’s play group, a variety of infrequent meetings and commercial bookings of the hall for Wiltshire council and others, and at weekends is host to frequent family parties.
Kington Langley Village Hall is a long serving customer of HeatingSave, having first installed a building energy management system (BEMS) in 2013. HeatingSave recently got in touch with Dr. Peter Giles, the now Treasurer at Kington Langley Village Hall, to understand how the BEMS was performing for them. Having been an important figure in the running of the village hall since 2008, Peter told the HeatingSave reporter that he “had been looking for some time at bringing heating control into the already installed access control and booking system arrangement but there was nothing out there at the time that offered this sort of diary input,” until he came across HeatingSave.
Having had HeatingSave’s building energy management system installed for a number of years now, Dr. Giles expressed that his objectives have been fulfilled and that the village hall has made staggering savings on its heating bills, “The prime reason for going for a heating control system was to save money, for more efficient energy control and only heating the place while it’s being used. We have saved around 30% on our heating bill because the system stopped heating the building at unnecessary times.” Dr. Giles was also very happy that the system can be accessed remotely, adding: “I can monitor the system from home which is excellent.”
When asked whether he could notice the benefits of having a building energy management system installed, compared to the years prior to the install, Dr. Giles said, “Yes, undoubtedly! Saving money is the most noticeable difference.”
The Kington Langley Village Hall Treasurer was full of praise for the HeatingSave Helpdesk when asked how the service has been for him over the years. He said: “We used it quite a lot during the initial integration stage which lasted 4-5 months and the service was excellent. We then went some years without contacting the Helpdesk. Last year (2020) we had a problem with the system but the service we had from your Helpdesk was excellent again.”
When asked what he likes most about the HeatingSave system, Dr. Giles said “It does what we want and it involves minimal effort from us. It reduces our heating costs and it’s economical to run.”
Following on from the previous Kington Langley Village Hall case study in 2013, Dr. Giles told the HeatingSave reporter that a number of village halls around the country have been in contact with him after reading it. He said “I have certainly responded to people who have seen our previous case study and who have contacted me and asked for my thoughts on HeatingSave and I always said it’s a good system for us but can’t speak for the booking system as we don’t use it.”
In 2013, Dr. Giles said, “HeatingSave is a very promising solution to the problem of rising energy heating costs.” When asked whether he still stands by this quote 8 years later, he replied: “I certainly stand by that quote. It was certainly true at the time and is true today with the current gas price crisis.” Not only is Kington Langley Village Hall saving a lot of money on their heating bills, but they are also using considerably less energy, reducing their carbon footprint and playing their part in becoming net zero.
Customer Information
Kington Langley Village Hall
Church Road
Kington Langley
SN15 5NJ
Phone: 01249 750760