Brookvale High School saves money and cuts bills with HeatingSave

Brookvale High School accommodates up to 650 students aged 11 to 14, accompanied by a total of 100 staff members, in its modern and spacious campus located on the outskirts of Groby village, in Leicestershire.

The school’s central heating system is built around 2 modern gas-fired boilers, powering multiple radiators installed at various locations across the grounds.

Around 1 year ago, the school’s Premises Manager, Mr. Joe Mackie, started looking for a solution that would allow for “a superior level of control over the heating system”, as well as “better management of the fuel consumption and bills”.

Mr. Mackie was introduced to the HeatingSave Small Business system and decided that it represented the optimum solution for Brookvale High School, not only due to its advanced energy management features, but also because “the price was right”.

This version of the HeatingSave system targets specifically the premises of schools and a wide array of small businesses, which are sometimes more “variable occupied”, and employs an advanced central processing unit and multiple sensors, probes and controllers in order to help customers save up to 30% (or more) on their gas bills.

The HeatingSave system was installed “around half a year ago” by HeatingSave engineers and the whole hardware setup process went quite smoothly. However, Mr. Joe Mackie recalls that “a few software glitches” occurred during the software installation process, but all of them were “successfully sorted out later”.

The system installed at Brookvale High School is controlled from a PC running the dedicated HeatingSave building energy management software, which is really the optimum approach, given the extensive management, monitoring and scheduling options this application delivers.

Furthermore, Joe also revealed that he uses the diary function extensively in order to set specific heating patterns for the various heating zones the school is divided in, ensuring an optimum level of functionality at any given time, depending on the scheduled use for each area.

Since he’s the person in charge of managing the HeatingSave system installed at Brookvale High School, Mr. Mackie was trained on-site by HeatingSave engineers on using the system, and he describes this process as “very detailed and good”.

When asked by the HeatingSave reporter whether the building energy management system is used at its full potential, Mr. Mackie’s answers was a definite “Yes”. “Everything’s running good, since it’s set to work almost automatically”, the Brookvale High School premises manager added.

Although “it’s a bit early to tell” just how much HeatingSave has managed to save on the school’s fuel bills, Mr. Mackie did inform us that fuel consumption levels certainly decreased.

Joe also revealed the fact that what he likes most about the system is “the superior level of control” it provides over the boilers and radiators installed in the school, as well as the fact that it’s so “easy to use”. “I really like that it’s so simple to use and set up”, Mr. Joe Mackie commented.

Ever since the system was installed at Brookvale High School, Mr.Mackie only called the HeatingSave help desk a couple of times, and the quality of this after-sales service has been described as “very good”. With their help, he’s managed to solve the few functionality issues that did appear, so there was no need for the HeatingSave operations department to ever re-visit the site in order to repair the system.

Since he’s had such a good experience with the HeatingSave Small Business system, Mr. Mackie doesn’t really see where the company could improve its service to Brookvale High. “It delivers a very good level of service and functionality”, Joe told the HeatingSave reporter.

And in fact, Mr. Mackie also revealed that they plan to extend their existing HeatingSave solution by adding an “electricity consumption monitoring” module in the near future.

When asked whether he would recommend HeatingSave to other schools, Mr. Mackie’s answer was “Yes. Definitely yes”. Summing up the relationship between HeatingSave and Brookvale High School, Mr. Joe Mackie said that “HeatingSave is a very efficient system that works perfectly, while the company itself is also very efficient.”.


Customer Information

Brookvale High School

Ratby Rd, Groby,

Leicester LE6 0FP

Phone:0116 287 6914

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