Multiple heating or cooling pattern control saves up to 30% off business bills

Aggressive new green targets have been unveiled by First Minister Alex Salmond for Scotland. The nation aims to meet half of its electricity demand from renewable sources within three years. The First Minister informed a renewable energy industry conference the targets were “ambitious, but achievable”. Salmond revealed that Scotland’s electricity generation capacity is now expected to outstrip demand by approximately 35 per cent in 2015, allowing the country to export power to the rest of the United Kingdom.

Cut business fuel bills and manage the energy consumed by the entire estate via the HeatingSave Enterprise IT based system for larger organisations. HeatingSave Enterprise features multiple heating/cooling pattern control with an integrated diary function so the heating is not on during weekends or holidays unless the building is being used – this alone saves up to 30% off bills. Organisations that will typically benefit from HeatingSave Enterprise will be multi-sited private and public sector facilities including the MOD, the emergency services, schools and high rise office blocks.

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